Weapons Policy
Ok guys, serious stuff tonight, first up? Weapons policy….
Weapons NOT Permitted at SFS include, but are not limited to the following:
NO LIVE STEEL at all will be permitted on the premises of the convention.
Live steel is defined as:
Swords, bayonets, and knives (regardless of whether or not they are sheathed) (unless it’s team Terry English)
Star knives and shurikens
Metal armor, including chainmail
Other objects made of metal, which can take an edge. This holds true regardless of whether the object is actually sharp.
Metal studs or chains on costumes or other metal components of costumes/props may also be subject to approval by SFS.
NO GUNS OR PROJECTILE LAUNCHERS OF ANY KIND will be permitted. Examples include, but are not limited to:
Airsoft guns, any and all kinds, regardless of whether or not it is functional. A non-functional airsoft gun with no moving parts is still an airsoft gun.
BB guns and pellet guns
Bows*, Crossbows, dart guns, and blowguns (* Prop bows with no string may be permitted but must be cleared by security first.)
Functional water guns or water pistols
Stun guns and tasers
The ONLY exception to this rule will be prop guns or resin models that are easily identifiable as toys, provided that they possess no moving parts and are clearly marked with a non-removable orange tip.
NO “PADDLES,” of any sort will be permitted at the convention.
This includes, but is not limited to Yaoi/Yuri Paddles.
NO NUNCHAKU of any kind will be permitted.
NO EXPLOSIVES or CHEMICALS of any kind including, but not limited to:
smoke powder, sparklers, or fireworks of any kind
Finally, if it is illegal outside SFS, it is illegal inside the convention.
Illegal weapons will be reported to the appropriate authorities.
Weapons Permitted
Staves, bo sticks, boken, shinai, and wooden swords will be permitted as long as they are handled responsibly and meet all other criteria.
Fake, prop, or made-up weapons (i.e. made of tissue paper, plaster of Paris, cloth) are permitted if they are safe and not dangerous to others around you.
Examples of dangerous conditions include, but are not limited to, items that may trip others, items that can snag on people or surroundings, items that obstruct doors and hallways.
Prop weapons shall be limited to less than six feet, six inches (6’6″) in height and less than fifty pounds (50lbs) in weight.
Any metal chains are to be less than three feet (3’) in length. This includes, but is not limited to chain wallets or any non-costume chains as well.
Nerf guns. As many as you can strap to your body.
Behaviour with Weapons/Props
Misuse of a weapon or prop, such as swinging it in a public area or posing a hazard to others, will result in the weapon or prop being deemed unsafe for the convention, and you will be asked to remove the item from the convention area.
All props and weapons brought into the convention may be inspected and either approved or rejected by SFS staff.
Any item that poses a potential safety hazard may need to be removed from the convention.
This includes any costume, prop, or accessory that obstructs doors or hallways, or otherwise poses any kind of danger to other attendees, staff, or convention center property.
When in doubt, check with SFS staff. Also please note that just because a staff member has not stopped you to check your item does not mean that the item is allowed.
All decisions made by SFS and/or the Public Safety Staff of the venue are final.
Feel free to message in with any queries.