Mando 2Hire

Look who’s back, back again, Mandos back, tell your friends….

He was an absolute smash last year at SFS & it only seemed the right thing to send a sub space message to the outer rim & slap the imperial credits on the table to secure his services, it’s the legendary Mando 2Hire!!

Mando 2Hire is professional walking talking screen accurate lookalike and soundalike of the on screen famous bounty hunter character named “The Mandalorian”. With all the gadgets, sound fx and lights, no expense has been spared to create this out of world performance.

What about the bike?
This is not just a bike. This is a “Speederbike”. With over 50 million hits around the world, this Speeder bike (due to the magic of mirrors)  give the illusion that it’s floating down the street. With a 3 point speaker system on the bike pumping out multiple iconic sound effects from the turbine engine to the sound of the double barrel blaster cannons on the front of the bike.  This was truly a head turner for SFS 2024 & will be even more so by the addition of two mini speeder bikes for the younglings to drag race in front of the venue, more details to follow….


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