Frazer Hines

To keep the Doctor Who excitement building let’s have another companion! And this one is legendary and a record breaker! 
A huge, massive welcome to the one and only Frazer Hines!!!

Born 22 September 1944, Frazer played companion Jamie McCrimmon in Doctor Who, the longest serving male companion in the history of the series, from The Highlanders to The War Games, and again in the twentieth anniversary special, The Five Doctors, and the Season 22 story, The Two Doctors. Outside Doctor Who, he is perhaps best known for playing Joe Sugden in Emmerdale Farm.
Jamie McCrimmon was a companion of the Second Doctor (Patrick Troughton) from 1966 to 1969. James Robert McCrimmon was a piper and soldier, fighting the hated English at Culloden in 1746.

Escaping execution, Jamie follows Polly, Ben and the Doctor into the TARDIS. Although from the 18th Century, Jamie adapted quickly to time-travelling life, fighting Cybermen on the Moon, faceless Chameleons and Daleks in Victorian London. He faced the Great Intelligence – once in Tibet and again in the London Underground – and twice fought the Martian Ice Warriors. What he lacked in intelligence, he more than made up for in strength, charm and instinct. With his memories of the Doctor erased, he was returned to Scotland on the day he left by the Time Lords at the Doctor’s trial.

Recently, Hines has returned to the Doctor Who franchise through the Big Finish Productions audio line, performing Jamie for the Companion Chronicles and The Lost Stories series. In this capacity he also made use of his impersonation of Patrick Troughton, and in 2013 was formally cast as the Second Doctor for an extended cameo in the anniversary story The Light at the End. In 2010, Hines took part in a series of audio dramas pairing Jamie with the Sixth Doctor (Colin Baker).

Frazer will be joining us for the whole weekend.

Autograph, Selfie, & Photoshoot prices TBA.

The guest reserves the right to cancel any appearance at any time due to work commitments.