Brian Wheeler



Whether Jawas or Ewoks are your thing, we’ve got you covered with this guy!

It’s Brian Wheeler!!!Brian started in the film business back in 1982 with his first job appearing in the ever so popular ‘Star Wars Episode VI – Return of the Jedi’  where he portrayed both an Ewok and also a Jawa in the famous Jabba’s Palace scene in the film. Brian then went on to work in some other very notable movies including Harry Potter  and The Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince, Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows 1 & 2 as a Gringotts Goblin, The Phantom of the Opera starring Gerard Butler, Emmy Rossum and Minnie Driver, The Never Ending Story and also Hardmen, Wagner, Dangerous Parking and Stag Night of the Dead.

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